Tuesday, August 6

Primary election day, and I voted. No surprise there. I'm one of those Americans that walk's the walk -- bitches, but only after having done what I could to keep the ass holes out of office. I had to play the role of Democrat at the polls though; not that I am one, but it was either that or Republican as you have to go straight ticket. Anyway, I voted for David Bonior, not because I like the guy, but for the first time ever, I am a single-issue voter, and he was the only guy who I could agree with. The issue: Post 9/11 privacy. All the others have said they're willing to allow police greater authority to do their thing. I just don't get how so many can support that, not realizing that it's just opening the door to possible problems down the road. I mean, I don't have a problem with police, I had a pleasant encounter with one today (I will mention that in a second), but it just seems to me that after this whole Terrorism™ thing subsides, no one's gonna think to roll back the powers that have been flung around. That aside, I just wonder if law enforcement will be able to just sit by, knowing crimes are being committed, and not taking advantage of these archaic laws that would enable them to do something...it's not their responsibility to think about how they're trampling on peoples' civil rights, that's for the legislature and courts.

As for the cop thing, it followed my adventure in changing a flat tire. Now, normally I can do this without a hitch. I've changed them before in less than five minutes. The problem this time was that I didn't have a crowbar. A crowbar. My jack needs one as a lever. No jack, no tire change. Anyway, I usually have two crow bars, at least, in my car at any given time, but today I didn't. I probably allowed people borrow both of them at some point in the past and never got them back. I was fuming. I helped out others, only to have my generosity come and bite me on the ass today. Fucking A. I called around to people that we're in my area of town, hoping one of them had a crow bar. Nope. I walked down to the hardware store down the street to see if they did. Not the right size and shape they didn't. I almost had to call a tow truck...to change a fucking tire. I felt my testicles shirk up into my body as I contemplated the idea of having to sink down to that completely unmanly option. Helping others would, again, end up costing me, money and testosterone. Then I remembered Craftsman, or rather that I had a screwdriver of their's somewhere. They have always claimed perfection, so I figured what the hell and found it, inserted it into the jack and proceded to raise my car without a problem. Thank God, my generosity wasn't screwing me over. Just because I was nice and lent someone my crowbars in the past, I wasn't now sunk. I got away with helping out someone, having them screw me over, and still coming out alright in the end. Whew.

And then it occured to me. I had borrowed that screwdriver back in Freshman year...

Oops, I almost forgot the other bit of irony (and the part about the cop). Anyway, just as I turn the key to start up my car, having pavked up everything into the trunk, a cop pulls up to ask me why I was parked in a no parking zone. I tell him I had a flat and a bit of the story (I was very sweaty at this time having had tried jacking my car with my foot and no leverage), and he tells me to have a good day. Funny thing is, he probably could've helped me out had he swung by earlier since cops drive Crown Vics and that's what I had...he would've had a similar jack in his trunk. I don't know, it's just been one of those days.


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