Thursday, September 6

an update

So, I haven't written in awhile.

This is largely because I just don't have much to say anymore, at least nothing that has any relevance to what I've written on this thing in years past..I've given up bitching about our fascist president, I've gotten over complaining about most things, I've learned to deal with my depression, and I'm no longer alone.

...Writing much of anything on here anymore would be sort of weird, it's a closed chapter of my life.

Anyway, for those that have read this through the project, an update:

In late April I proposed to my girlfriend of the previous year and a month. Three (almost four) weeks ago, we got married and flew off to Mexico on our honeymoon, getting out just days before Hurricane Dean wreaked havoc on the beach that we had been staying on. I'm taking my last class for my Master's program - I'm looking for work. The internet marketing business that I had been playing with for a few years has started to take off...I'm making enough to pay most of the bills (including rent) by doing nothing. I'm sure there's more, but it's not coming to mind.

In any case, I have to leave this coffee shop to go pick my wife up from work...feel free to email me if you're a regular reader, or look me up on facebook or myspace (or email me and I'll tell you where I am on those two websites).


Saturday, January 27


You lucky bastards. Always the sucker for a great deal, I've gotten a new contract with my host because they have a great price...

So anyway, even though I'm not much in the mood for writing (I have a PT job, an internship, writing my thesis, and taking a class right now), the site will remain up for now.


Wednesday, January 3

one less good man

As some of my regular readers might know, I live in Grand Rapids, Michigan...this week mostly known as the hometown (and soon to be resting place) of the 38th President of the United States, Gerald R. Ford.

Some may argue that Ford made some wrong decisions while president (authorizing Indonesian oppression in East Timor, the biggest) but I can hardly hold that against him. Nobody in a position of power can always make the right choice. All in all, Ford was a man of integrity, a man of honor, a good guy. As president, he served with the good of the nation (not of his party) in mind; as an ex-president he was equally as impressive.

I just now returned from the procession of his casket not two blocks from my apartment. I half expected to be be the only one my surprise I couldn't walk down the sidewalk. For a mile down both sides of one street people stood two and three deep...I was but one of many. Certainly many were tourists and boy scouts dragged to salute the passing president, but just as certainly there must have been many that were there to honestly honor the man.

I couldn't help but tear up thinking about how much this one man did to warrant such respect from so many. I teared up thinking about how we -- and I -- should all aspire to live in such a way that so many will mourn our passing.


Tuesday, December 12

excuses, excuses

SO I haven't updated in awhile, in large part because my hosting package is about to run out (and I won't have funds to renew until January) and I figured "what's the point?" In any case, I guess the plug won't be pulled until January 31, so I got plenty of time, and no excuses.

I do that too much -- say "I can't finish this anyway, so why even start?" It's a bad mentality to have sometimes, it keeps you from going through the motions. On the other hand, it has served me well in life. Too many times I have passed on a woman because I just knew it couldn't lead lifelong bliss -- and it kept me single. Single long enough for Megan to come back into my life...something which might just be.

So anyway, I don't know if it's a blessing or a curse, but that's the way it's been. I feel the desire to blog more often welling up inside me so you might just see more posts in the days, weeks, and months to come. It's been a month or so since I've taken a break from the daily habit and that might just be enough. Of course, only time will tell and if you're reading this at the top of the page come New Years Day you'll know the fire hasn't yet been lit under my arse.

If that's the case, Merry Christmas...but I hope to stop by at least a few times between now and then.


Tuesday, November 7

i can't believe it!

In what kind of sick world can this happen? My world is turned upside down... least until the Dems kick the GOP out of Congress today. If you haven't done so already, VOTE before it's to late.


Tuesday, October 17

no surprises

According to US News, the Bush WhiteHouse is so confident that the Republicans will keep control of Congress -- a prospect tahat most are predicting is unlikely -- that they haven't developed a contingency plan for how to deal with the Dems should they (likely) win control...Of course, as I'm reading this I can't help but think about other adventures that ther cockiness has prevented them from preparing for...


Friday, October 13

we overdid it

It seems that our invasion and occupation of Iraq, removal of a dictator, and establishment of democracy is just too much for a million or so Iraqis to take. It seems that that many have gone to the Iraqi passport office, getting their necessary documents to flee to the Eden that is Syria (and Jordan too, to be fair).

Of course, this is probably just liberal media propoganda, just like the head British general saying that Britain needs to get the hell out. We all know that Iraq is actually a paradise that should be eternally grateful to its savior George W. Bush.

I mean, at least they don't have to worry about WMDs.