Wednesday, October 16

I think too many people think that I'm a goody-goody. That sucks, because from most perspectives, I am...and least in my actions, but I'm not. I mean, I don't intend on being "good" for the sake being "good" or to impress anybody, which pretty much makes me not one, but I'm sick of people always deciding to label me one and treat me as such. I can't remember the last time that anyone's even offered me drugs (and people always assume I've never even tried any), choosing to instead assume that I won't do it. I mean for God's sake...I do stupid shit all the time, it's just that no one cares enough to get to know me well enough to see that side of me...a side I admittedly try to hide from people that don't know me that well to prevent them from thinking of me as, well, a stupid shit. But then they think I'm a goody-goody. It's a vicious cycle really. But anyway, it kind of makes me feel like a ghost sometimes, a non-person. Or something.

geez...i'm only writing this in order to erase the poem that was here only moments ago...embarassing.


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