Wednesday, December 11

It seems that Sen. Trent Lott )among the half dozen most powerful people in Washington) is a racist...he kept it under wraps for years it seems, but his latest comments at Sen. Thurmond's birthday bash have troubled some, including me, and I have found some interesting stuff on past instances of his remarks and actions. It seems that Sen. Lott has had associations with racist groups in the past. Among them, a group called the Council of Conservative Citizens down in Mississippi, generally considered by many racism watch-dog groups to be the direct descendent of the white Citizens' Councils of the 1950's and 1960's which fought vehemently against desegregation and Civil Rights. Lott, of course, denies any knowledge of this group's racist philosophies, but supposedly it is common knowledge what these people stand for down South...and considering that Lott is most likely in the political know down there (being Senator and all), it seems unlikely to me that he would not know them well. It just reeks of more back-peddling on Lott's part.

I do not know of the validity of this report or of the person who published it, but I feel it is worth postingthis for others to investigate.

A more reliable account can be found by a writer for the Village Voice, here

Or, if you'd rather, the New York Times

Also, according to Matt Drudge, trent Lott was quoted as saying "You know, if we had elected this man 30 years ago, we wouldn't be in the mess we are today" at a ralley for Strom Thurmond back in 1980. It seems so much less a quip (as he immediately called it once people started complaining this past weekend) and more like a personal opinion all the time, doesn't it?


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