I want to start a movement...I know it's all gay sounding and whatnot but I want all of my...okay...both of...alright, my one regular reader of this blog (hey there!) to join me on my quest. Each and every day you are to do five things exclusively for the purpose to brighten someone else's day. Not for your own pleasure or happiness, in fact it's better if it makes you uncomfortable or something, but completely selflessly. Preferably, this will be for a stranger, but something random for someone you know will work just fine. Hug someone at the mall, tell the gas station attendent she looks lovely, streak, act like an idiot in front of a group of mopey people, something, ya know? Anyway, it's something that I do on my own time, but I just want to suggest that everyone (or just you Tiger Lily...if you're the only one left...someone sign my damn comment boxes) do it...start something...enjoy life.
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