I had a computer scare tonight, but it turned into a headache and not much else. I was trying to download an updated version of McAffe virus program and it froze up my computer so that it wouldn't continue working past the point where it started doing a virus scan at start-up. I couldn't fix it any way that I know how and so I ended up having to reload my windows platform and pray that I didn't need to format my hard drive. It was nerve-racking those thirty minutes or so in wondering if the stuff that I'd written and hadn't backed up on a floppy disk for a couple months (several short stories, a few poems, and a good 10,000 words on my book) was going to get dumped with the rest of the programs that I knew were going to be deleted. They weren't, thank God, but I still needed to re-download abunch of programs which has taken an hour or two already and will probably take another hour or two...so that sucks. But three hours or so is a hell of a lot better than having to rewrite all the stuff I could have lost. Man, that was close.
...but at least the whole loading kick that it got me on motivated me to finally dump MSN as my ISP; something I've been meaning to do for months but couldn't because I was under contract (since they bought me a TV, VCR, and a few movies). Yippee! Celebrate! Woo-hoo!
...but at least the whole loading kick that it got me on motivated me to finally dump MSN as my ISP; something I've been meaning to do for months but couldn't because I was under contract (since they bought me a TV, VCR, and a few movies). Yippee! Celebrate! Woo-hoo!
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