I was reading Wil Wheaton's blog and finding that, in a lot of ways, I'm going through the same struggles as him right now in my life. That said, I was reading around and finding that there are a lot of people out there feeling the same way. More than usual, methinks. And so I came across the This Modern World cartoon that I posted below and it really spoke to me. It's not necessarily the politics of current events that are getting me over-worked and tense, but everything. Literally everything. Barely a thing happens to me lately that I don't allow to affect me emotionally. I don't think there's much room left anywhere inside for things to just slide off...like there's so much mass there that it has created its own gravitational pull that just sucks in everything that passes by. Or something. I don't know. But I do take comfort in finding out that there are others (more others than usual) dealing with this sort of outrage overload or whatever you want to call it.
I guess it just goes to show that these are troubled times in which we live.
I guess it just goes to show that these are troubled times in which we live.
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