Tuesday, February 25

There are a lot of things I wanted to write about today. For one, I wanted to write about depression because I am at a point right now that I am feeling comforted by talking about it, and I think it helps those that don't have direct experiences with depression to read those sorts of things from someone that does. I also wanted to write about a conversation I had at work today about people. I also wanted to mention something about the effort that is being made to impeach the war-mongerer. And I will get to these things, hopefully as the night goes on I will feel like writing still, but right now I wanted to say one thing about yesterday and the post that I wrote about depression.

Soon after I got off-line I called on my best friend and asked that she come over to talk. She was hesitent at first because of a quarrel we had the day before and because she had wanted to spend some time alone, but I explained to her that I needed to talk to someone, that I didn't want to be alone, and that I was depressed...and she came over. We talked a bit about what was going on in my head, about depression in general, and about pretty much what I wrote on my blog here yesterday. And then conversation moved on to chit-chat and hanging out and watching Seinfeld. It was incredible how quickly my spirits lifted. It's amazing how easily the thoughts of depression lifted away simply because I was feeling loved and understood and the like. And I must have thanked her for spending that time with me at least five or six times over the course of the night, and I would've thanked her more if I didn't know that that would've bothered her...but I guess I'm mentioning that because it goes to show that what I wrote yesterday is so true and something that anyone out there that has friends or family that suffer with depression should pay heed to. The most important thing you can do for someone that is suffering is to let them know that you care. It will work wonders. Love is magical like that.


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