Tuesday, March 11

I love kids' jokes...I'm sad to admit that whenever I'm waiting at the shop or dentist's office I pick up the ol' Highlights magazine and, after finding everything that's wrong with the picture on the back (that can be tough...seriously), I flip it to the jokes section. Here are some of my favorites in that style (not all of them from the magazine):

I find them more hilarious when told one immediately after the other with a straight face and monotone voice:

What'd the picture say to the wall? I've been framed.
Why didn't the skeleton cross the street? He didn't have any guts
What do you call two bananas? A pair of slippers
What sits on the bottom of the ocean and twitches? a nervous wreck
What do you get from a pampered cow? spoiled milk
What'd the fish say when he bumped into the wall? dam
What do an apple and banana have in common? neither one can drive a tractor
Why'd the monkey fall out of the tree? because he was dead
Where do you find a dog with no legs? right where you left him
Why don't they let blind people skydive? it scares the crap out of the dog
What do you call a fish without an eye? a fsh
Why do chicken coops have two doors? because if it had four it'd be a chicken sedan

and finally...

What goes ha, ha, plonk? someone laughing their head off

...kyle takes a bow and exits stage left.


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