Friday, March 21

Sickness. I went to work for a little over two hours today. I was fine at first, but then a headache started coming on that pretty much involved all the sinus areas behind my left eye. It waa uncomfortable, then annoying, and then it just plain hurt like hell. It hurt so bad I had to go home and when I got home I made a bee-line for the bathroom and threw up. The pain was that intense. All I could from that point on was lay in bed, unable to go to sleep because the pain was too all encompassing. I just laid there, putting pressure on the top of my nose (because it usually helps) and that doing nothing but creating a bruise in between my eyebrow and nose. I thought I was dying or something, I honestly did. That went on for hours...resting for awhile and then taking care of a traffic ticket that was overdue and about to have a warrant issued over if I didn't take care of it today...the errand made things worse, much worse, and when I got home I threw up again and plopped on the couch to watch TV.

But now I am somewhat better. The pain is bareable, I can move around. I feel almost as though I can eat and not chuck it back up immediately. But I am pretty much bed-ridden for the night unless the woman of my dreams calls me up and tells me that tonight is my one and only chance to make sweet love to her before she goes away which case, I think I might be able to suffer.

But, seriously, watch: Now that I'm unable to do anything, my phone will ring off the frickin hook.


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