Friday, April 4

I just read this article about the Bush regime's talk of going after Iran once Iraq is all mopped up and it just makes me wonder if W., Cheney, Rice, et al have their collective heads up their collective asses. Why is Iran still our enemy? From everything that I've read about the country, most of the people that live there are 25 and younger and don't remember the Revolution...they aren't at all interested in Theocratic politics, they just want to be free to live life and have fun. Hell, I think it's fair to say that most of them appear to be infatuated with the Western lifestyle. With such a large portion of the nation being this way, does the President really feel like there's a any chance in hell that Iran's going to try anything against anyone? I mean, my God, if the most-moderate government in twenty years of Iranian history is in power, and there's a majority of people in Iran that do not support that government's policies, it doesn't seem possible that that government can do much without completely disrupting domestic tranquility.

IF Iran were to attack, say, us...the people in Iran (the kids) would take advantage of the situation and force things to change. I firmly believe that. And to think that we might even think about making the kids of Iran pissed off at us (which would naturally push them towards acceptance of extremismt -- sort of like the Shaw and the Ayatollah thing back in 1980ish) is just so utterly assanine to me. I don't get it.


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