Monday, April 28

I was up very late last night...sort of. I got home from the bar after having had a tad too much to drink (and shooting some kick-ass pool like I haven't done since I was playing several games nightly) and went to sleep...but then woke up. I hate that about beer.

So I'm lying there and thinking in that way that happens when you find yourself having awoken from sleep way too soon and not being able to get back to sleep because you've let your mind start operating. But I had a random thought...the last few months of my life could make a kick-ass book. For so long I've been trying to explore my horizons finding something that could sustain itself for a couple hundred pages and something that is not so mundane that I couldn't play some literary games with it. But life has thrown me an excellent tale about life and love and friendship and self-discovery and all of that and I realized that I could capitalize on it.

I don't know, I'm pretty excited about the prospects. If I could be anything in this life, it would be a writer...I've just been waiting for this moment to come, and it has. yay!


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