Tuesday, April 1

Man...I am coming out of my long winter's sleep, I can feel it, but the worst part about it is that I have been so damn serious for so long that I can't seem to take anything seriously now. I just want happiness and the like. I want to be funny and cute and sweet and all those sorts of things that I am to some extent when I am not the morose mother fucker that I've been for so long, but I am not balancing it with seriousness like I do when I'm "normal". Instead, I feel like I'm presenting myself as taking everything as a joke...even though I'm not. I don't know. I usually have a good balance going on, but it's been since last summer that I've felt this good about life and people and such that I just want to bust out...for awhile at least. Hopefully those people that have come to really know me since August or whenever can cope with this upswing for a week or two until I get balanced out again. There are certain people in my life that I think will be pleasantly surprised by the person that I really am -- all the stuff that makes them like me plus a bunch of fun stuff to boot.

Of course my lack of willingness to be serious has prevented me from doing and saying some stuff that I feel I really need to take care of, but they can hopefully wait a little while.

Until then I will leave you with the words of Abraham Lincoln...PARTY ON DUDE!!!


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