One of the things that struck me most about Central Europe (or, at least, Prague and Budapest) when I was there was the abundance of Western culture a short decade after the wall fell. It upset me seeing McDonald's everywhere and huge shopping malls that looked to be lifted from any suburban town USA. Not that people there don't deserve to be consumerists as much as we do, but just the sheer volume of American corporate storefronts and ideals everywhere within a relatively short time.
It upset me greatly, and made me feel pretty sad to see all of it and, to tell you the truth, it was the one thing about either town that I didn't love. I don't know, it would just be nice to find some corner of the world where one could be free of Ronald McDonald and the Gap. Especially if that corner of the world has been free of such junk for decades or ever prior to the invasion. But alas...
A week or two ago I almost posted a cynical prediction that McDonald's would set up shop in Baghdad as soon as possible. I should have...I would've been right it seems:
Fast food comes to Iraq
Anything for a buck...the American way.
(btw, this is happening even though there still is no fresh water or electricity in the city of Baghdad or many parts of Iraq)
It upset me greatly, and made me feel pretty sad to see all of it and, to tell you the truth, it was the one thing about either town that I didn't love. I don't know, it would just be nice to find some corner of the world where one could be free of Ronald McDonald and the Gap. Especially if that corner of the world has been free of such junk for decades or ever prior to the invasion. But alas...
A week or two ago I almost posted a cynical prediction that McDonald's would set up shop in Baghdad as soon as possible. I should have...I would've been right it seems:
Fast food comes to Iraq
Anything for a buck...the American way.
(btw, this is happening even though there still is no fresh water or electricity in the city of Baghdad or many parts of Iraq)
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