Saturday, April 12

this is in reference to my previous post...I think it works better reading first

Man, I can't sleep now because I just keep thinking about how good a person I am. Seriously. I mean, I don't want to gloat and brag and make myself out to be freakin' awesome or whatever...

But the fact of the matter is, my roommate wants to beat the shit out of this guy. This after this guy did this to him once. He seems to almost hate him. Me, I had this happen to me time and time again and the worst that I ever did was say to my friend "hey, what's going on here?" with a few more specifics added. I, for the most part, was able to keep a relatively cool head about the whole thing. Sure, I'd bust out once in awhile when it got so bad it hurt like hell, but I accepted it and never once gave serious thought to getting mad at my friend or leaving her life or whatever. My roommate had this happen once and now he doesn't want anything to do with the girl and wants nothing good to happen to the guy.

I hope my friend can see this about me and appreciate how relatively well I handled the situation, because I think my handling of it was the best that anyone could really expect. Seriously. To see my roommate like this (and he's a level-headed guy, never really pissed off at anyone...not even the guy that the girl he fell in love with started dating even though he is possessive as hell of her) just goes to show how amazing a person I can awesome.

I feel really good about myself right now...the shame and guilt of being made out to be a jerk or whatever to my friend these past few months pretty much gone.


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