Thursday, May 15

I just got back from seeing the Matrix: Reloaded...I'm not going to offer any spoilers or anything, but I do need to comment on people that try to make themselves sound more profound than they are.

I was a philosophy major in college and during my time there and talking to different people since then, I have come across many of those really annoying people that say very elementary things but do so in a way that makes them sound brilliant...people that will throw in big words when little ones will do. People that will complicate the simplest idea in order to build themselves up to be more intelligent than they are. People that prize style over substance. I liken it to a restaurant menu that creates images of granduer for the hamburger but when it gets delivered to your table it's nothing more than a piece of dried-out medium grade meat, a tomato slice, and a leaf or two of lettuce in between two dried out, day old hunks of bread...

That's what this movie between a lot of show was a lot of mindless babble dressed up in fancy words and the like. It was the same idea stated in thirty different ways by twenty different people. But the idea wasn't profound, combine the first Matrix and the one hour look at the free will/determinism debate from a Philosophy 101 class and snazz it up with words like the latin "ergo" and it sounds like it's more important than it is. That pisses me the same way that much of pop-psychology does. It's like the nerdy show off kid sitting at the front of the class raising his hand to answer every question in some attempt to be become the object of intellectual envy of everyone sitting behind him...Man I always wanted to beat that kid up...

But anyway, I just wanted to rant a bit.

Be excellent to each other.


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