Monday, May 12

I just noticed that the Iraq Body Count (link to the left) is up to around 4000 at the lowest estimate. This means that more innocent Iraqi civilians died as a direct result of our "war" than innocent people died on Sept 11, 2001...which means that we killed more of "them" in order to prevent fewer deaths of "us". Pre-emptively. I'm shaking my head right now.

What makes things even worse in my mind is that these are just "civilian" deaths. They do not take into account that 3/4 of Saddam's army didn't want to fight -- but did so to the death because of the fact that officers (literally) had a gun to the back of their heads (and their families' heads) and ordered them to fight lest the trigger be pulled. Aren't the men that found themselves in that position innocent too? Really? They wouldn't have fought and died by their own volition, it was forced upon them. They were given the opportunity to fight and possibly die or not fight and definitely was a choice that most of us would probably have made. No? But it was still seems as though many of Iraq's soldiers died needlessly and against their own wishes. I don't know. I'm tired...and now, pissed off too.


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