Monday, June 30

Friday was the last day of work at my day job, today is moreorless the first day of moreorless unemployment for me. I should be out looking for a job, but I figure I have bunches of time to do that. Right? I have bills covered for the next two weeks at least, and I haven't exactly been spending money or anything (my weekend cost me a grand total of $4...which was groceries). But I feel rotten because of it...I have this urge to not be poor anymore, or at least not be in debt...and of course, then there's my oh so strong desire to get over the germany to make a visit. But there's this total apathy, this total laziness, this total idea that I deserve a week or so off and just be a slobbish wanker and such. So I'll give myself a day or two. I can at least send out a couple resumes through hotjobs or something i suppose...pretend like I'm doing something. hehe

On a related note, I want to get my garage sale up and running, but angelfire is being a stupid bitch and keeps crashing explorer for some reason. So I can't. I've tried, I really have, because I want to do this, but... Hmmmm...maybe I could just do it with navigator? duh...


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