Friday, July 18

Geez...this article about the State of Minnesota and Twin Cities putting up barricades for the homeless under over-passes so that they couldn't sleep there (and it's a big deal because there aren't many other places that the homeless can get out of the rain) was getting me angry. The fact that the governments involved would spend money doing this, hurting homless people even more than they're alread hurt, while at the same time cutting back on programs to help the homless seems doubly harsh...especially when the economy's down and more people are in more trouble. I was going to go on a rant though, until I got to the last paragraph of the story and almost cried:

"Of course [putting up the barriers] doesn't solve anything. People are already having a hardship. This just makes it a little harder. We're still going to be outside," he says. Then, with a sweep of his arm, he gestures toward the Simpson shelter and asks: "Why don't we just have money for more places like this?"

I wish I could do something to help...this is when I wish I was a superhero.


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