Saturday, July 19

July 19, 2002 -- Janet Reno has a dance party, I ride the bus home from work, and later that night I get online and start up this blog. Yup, it's official, "title of the blog" (as I chose for a name because I've always been horrible with titles) is one year old today. hip hip hooray!

What have we learned? Not much, really. My posts continue to be rather inane and the like, sparkled with sometimes-inspiration. I'm okay with that actually, writing more or less daily it's going to be hit or miss with what comes off as inspired. Frankly, most of it isn't. Too bad.

I have gone through a very public time of turbulance and came out of it for the better, I think at least. A little more cynical perhaps, but that just comes with growing older and experiencing more in life methinks.

This blog has chronicled some of the stupid ass shit that the Bush administration has done over the past year -- stripping us from some of our constitutional rights and threatening to take away more...and in between the threats and warrants came some bomb-dropping over Baghdad that killed a bunch of innocent people.

All in all, I think I am very proud of this here blog. Needless to say, not many last this long (my first attempts certainly did not), and so I find this being in a group of maybe 10% of blogs that have done so. Any one that might read this and have a blog last this long should be proud of that fact as well.

Well, enough of the self-congratulatory stuff, on with year two...


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