Friday, July 18

So by now we've all heard about the reports from Iraq that the morale is low and soldiers are pissed off at having been told three times now that they were going to be leaving only to be told later that they're going to have to stay. Well, supposedly, the story is meaningless because not only is the reporter that filed the report gay, but he's a canuck.

That just totally smashes the story to bits, doesn't it? Yeah, me neither. But the White House was hoping it would. Seesh...harassassing reporters and trying to discredit them is all that the White House can do these days, isn't it? Why can't W inc. take responsibility for any of their mistakes in this whole Iraq thing? They just keep trying to shove blame on others and all it does is make things worse, no?

Reason #587 why Bush should not be re-elected.

Speaking of pitiful, this is good.


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