Monday, July 28

Today I was walking down to the courthouse to drop off some paperwork when just down the block from my apartment a dog saw me. He ran across the street and started walking five feet behind I crossed the street, hoping he wouldn't folow me and he'd go back from whence he came. Nope, he followed me. Not wanting to lead the dog downtown to busy streets and all sorts of troubles, I turned around and walked back home. He followed me then too even though I was hoping that he'd get the point and leave me alone. Well, I get home, go in, and look out the front window -- he's standing out there on the sidewalk, looking at the door, tongue hanging out of his panting mouth. A couple seconds later, he moves on a house, only to look back at my door.

He was an ugle dog...he didn't even have a tail...but boy did I went to let him in and keep him. I'm a sucker for that sort of thing, really. I'm a freakin dog person and I'm reminded every time some dog follows me home (or when my cat acts all catty). sheesh. If ayone out there wants to give me a real job so that I can afford a house so that I can get a dog, email me dagnabit.


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