Tuesday, August 5

So, I don't have internet access in my place...but you already knew that. Now, I have no computer. Shit. The screen is all funky, looking at it like staring at the scrambled nudey channels on cable...not that I've ever done that. Every image shifts way to the right or left and things are otherwise all screwy. Egads.

I thought it might be a software glitch in Windows (not that Windows would ever present itself a glitch..ha) so I tried a few things which didn't work. So then I said screw it and formatted the entire hard-drive (my being real god about backing stuff up lately) TWICE and it still isn't working. Shit. So it's not a software thing...it's gotta be a hardware thing. Which isn't a HUGE problem because I bought a three-year warantee when I bought it 2 years and 10 months ago (yes, I think it's awesome that this happened two months BEFORE it ran out than the usual AFTER)...but it still means that it will be gone for at least two weeks while they ship it off to never-never land. *sigh*. How's a writer to supposed to write under these circumstances? How's a guy supposed to look for a jb hen he's used tochecking out prosective employers' websites for openings? Hmmmm....I guess it's video-game time for kyle.

This (and other things) are driving me to drink. Whereas I have gone three months only drinking a handful of times...I have gotten almost drunk every night for the past week. I don't know how much longer I can take things as thy are...I need a vacation, if not physically, at least mentally.


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