Saturday, August 9

This California governor's thing is cracking me up. It really is. At first I was pissed because of the idea that a fairly elected leader could be thrown out by 5% of the state's citizens signing a sheet of paper (and, of course, the vote...but with an approval rating in the toilet as Gray Davis has, all it'll take is the petition really). I mean, think about could any important decisions be made if the threat of a recall can be dangled in front of elected officials' faces? It's too easy to destroy democracy this pulling on a thread of a sweater to unravel the whole thing.

But it has turned into a circus. The Dipshit Knight that started, organized, and funded the recall in his own personal bid for the governorship has pulled out of contention and in his void all sorts of people are coming in (here's the complete list from the California Secretary of State's office in .pdf form) including an over-stuffed bad actor, a porn king, some guy running on the issue of smoking, the most horribly awful "comedian" that has ever lived, another "actor" that ain't much funnier, a couple porn stars, some famous-sounding people like Bob Dole and Bill Murray and Steve Young (no idea if they are the "real" famous people -- though I'm quite sure Bob Dole is not THE Bob Dole), and of course the kid that asked us all "what you talkin' about Willis?". It's a freakin zoo and a mockery of the democratic process and I love it. This is what should happen when "the people" fuck with an election that occurred six months before. California is going into the political shitter because they couldn't be happy with democracy as is...had to tamper with it. And they deserve whatever they get.

It all reminds of high school elections where there would be a candidate or two for class president that really wanted to be class president, but then there'd be the three or four people running just because it offered them the capability to make jack-asses of themselves in front of the school at the assembly and over the PA and on posters on the wall. That's all this is...a stupid high school mock election...only it's to cost the already cash-strapped California government a few million dollars and waste so many peoples' time. hilarity shall ensue.


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