Monday, September 29

dirty pool

White House Rejects Independent Counsel for Leak

You know, I don't think it's necessary really for this whole who told what to who thing overly political...but considering that the Republicans sent in the heavy guns over a stupid land deal (and not to mention to investigate a couple blow jobs) I think it's only fair.

The Republican Party has taken it upon itself to play dirty pool. With the 2000 election fiasco in Florida and especially witht his California recall stunt...I think it's important for the Democrats to shove the shit in the Republicans' pipe so they can smoke it. I mean, whatever happened here with someone telling classified secrets mostly for the sake of revenge against Mr. Wilson for daring to speak up against the White House's "evidence" for WMD's a federal crime (more serious than lying in one's deposition, much worse than getting a blowjob from a consenting adult) and someone should be prosecuted.

I say let's see what the Justice Department comes up with. I won't be surprised if they don't find anything...if that's the case...then send in the independent counsel to see what the hell's being covered up.


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