help me please
I'm pre-dating this entry so that it isn't on the front page of my blog (so that the advertisers can't find this as easily, since they may not be so happy about my approach here), but I wanted to ask for a little help from those that I know. I'm broke right now, broke and unemployed and, quite literally, living in my parents' basement. I want out in a bad bad way so that I can get on with my life, go back to school and all of that...but to do that, I need money. Now I'm not the kind of guy to go out there and ask for people to put their money into my pockets...that's rude, at least it is when there are other ways around it. And there are.
In trying to make ends meet, I have been signing up with several (read, scores...over a hundred) different internet companies, offerign to advertise for them in return for a cut of their revenue from those advertisement (the term in internet parlance is "affiliate work"). Most of these involve purchasing some service which then leads to some percentage cut in the sale. Some of them, however, will pay me for nothing more than a "lead". That is, if I send people to them to request information, they will pay me for having done so. These are mostly finacial service companies that want to give out loans of one sort or another, but others want to give you life insurance quotes, want to have you try out their service for free, want to send you information about hair loss or educational opportunities. These sorts of places will pay me (and pay me half-way decently) for just sending you along to send them your name, address, and e-mail address. And so, I am only asking that you do just that.
Of course, I wouldn't ask that you do so without being at least somewhat interested in what they have to offer. Not only is this stealing, sort of, but it also makes me look bad if I send a bunch of people their way and never have any of those pitches connect. You know? But I do have several companies to list and if one or two grabs your attention just a little bit, it would help me out if you went to their sites and checked them out (if they ask for information you're not comfortable giving, don't feel as though I'll be offended if you don't go through with it).
Thanks in advance. will give me a couple bucks just for you to sign up with a valid e-mail address. This will only work until September 23, 2004 however.
Bosley will give me a ten-spot if you give them your name and address so that they can send you a video about Hair Loss solutions. They don't call (they don't even request a phone number).
Capella University will give decent money for your information, but I cannot attest to what they do with it since I'm not in an area of the world they want anything to do with.
DeVry University does pretty much the same for me as Capella.
will give me 10 cents when you bid on something through this link, as well as $10 if you're not a member already and you sign and buy or sell something within 30 days.
goZing will pay me a buck to send people to them to register and take surveys which you will get paid for (I'm a member and have made a few bucks from the surveys myself).
Great-expectations is a dating service that will give me between three and seven dollars for you to sign up, depending on the service ($7, I believe, if you give them a phone number).
Keen is a psychic directory. You get three minutes on the phone with a psychic for free and then if you put money into your account (it looks as though this can be as little as a couple bucks, but I haven't tried), I get $50.
Matrix Direct will call you soon after filling out their form to make sure it's a real number (your work number perhaps?), but then will send you information through the mail. Absolutely no hassling here, and I get good money. I might add that it was interesting to see how much life insurance was, in case I ever have a family and decide to get it.
Perfect Match is an online matchmaking service that'll give me a buck and a half for you to sign up.
University of Phoenix will pay me for your information...even if it's not complete (wink wink). Their enrollment people WILL call the number you give.
XDrivewill pay me to have you try a free trial of their backup hard disk space.
PeoplePC Online will pay me if you download their software or request a cd-rom.
In trying to make ends meet, I have been signing up with several (read, scores...over a hundred) different internet companies, offerign to advertise for them in return for a cut of their revenue from those advertisement (the term in internet parlance is "affiliate work"). Most of these involve purchasing some service which then leads to some percentage cut in the sale. Some of them, however, will pay me for nothing more than a "lead". That is, if I send people to them to request information, they will pay me for having done so. These are mostly finacial service companies that want to give out loans of one sort or another, but others want to give you life insurance quotes, want to have you try out their service for free, want to send you information about hair loss or educational opportunities. These sorts of places will pay me (and pay me half-way decently) for just sending you along to send them your name, address, and e-mail address. And so, I am only asking that you do just that.
Of course, I wouldn't ask that you do so without being at least somewhat interested in what they have to offer. Not only is this stealing, sort of, but it also makes me look bad if I send a bunch of people their way and never have any of those pitches connect. You know? But I do have several companies to list and if one or two grabs your attention just a little bit, it would help me out if you went to their sites and checked them out (if they ask for information you're not comfortable giving, don't feel as though I'll be offended if you don't go through with it).
Thanks in advance. will give me a couple bucks just for you to sign up with a valid e-mail address. This will only work until September 23, 2004 however.
Bosley will give me a ten-spot if you give them your name and address so that they can send you a video about Hair Loss solutions. They don't call (they don't even request a phone number).
Capella University will give decent money for your information, but I cannot attest to what they do with it since I'm not in an area of the world they want anything to do with.
DeVry University does pretty much the same for me as Capella.
will give me 10 cents when you bid on something through this link, as well as $10 if you're not a member already and you sign and buy or sell something within 30 days.
goZing will pay me a buck to send people to them to register and take surveys which you will get paid for (I'm a member and have made a few bucks from the surveys myself).
Great-expectations is a dating service that will give me between three and seven dollars for you to sign up, depending on the service ($7, I believe, if you give them a phone number).
Keen is a psychic directory. You get three minutes on the phone with a psychic for free and then if you put money into your account (it looks as though this can be as little as a couple bucks, but I haven't tried), I get $50.
Matrix Direct will call you soon after filling out their form to make sure it's a real number (your work number perhaps?), but then will send you information through the mail. Absolutely no hassling here, and I get good money. I might add that it was interesting to see how much life insurance was, in case I ever have a family and decide to get it.
Perfect Match is an online matchmaking service that'll give me a buck and a half for you to sign up.
University of Phoenix will pay me for your information...even if it's not complete (wink wink). Their enrollment people WILL call the number you give.
XDrivewill pay me to have you try a free trial of their backup hard disk space.
PeoplePC Online will pay me if you download their software or request a cd-rom.
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