Saturday, September 13

I know I promised that I would never write about any specific person but its about my roommate and he doesn't read this and he's really pissing me off, so I'm going to break my own rule. Just this once. Besides, I could use some advice.

Okay, here's the thing. He's been dating this girl for about two months or so. Obviously I could care less because it's not like she's evil or anything...or maybe she is. In any case, I'm not worried about him or anything, but there is a problem. See, the thing is, she is practically living here. Actually, one could take the "practically" out of that sentence and not be too far.

She sleeps here almost every night, she eats her meals here, she showers and changes her clothes here, when she gets extended breaks at work she comes here and, well, I guess that pretty much means she lives here. It is fucking annoying.

I used to live alone, and for a reason -- I'm a pretty quiet and withdrawn person. I decided a year ago that getting a roommate wouldn't be such a bad thing as it would mean I'd be able to afford a better place and even be able to save money which is always a good thing. Yeah, it's annoying having someone around more often than I did when I was alone, but that has always been okay since my roommate is an alright guy and we generally stay out of each others' hair if we want space. cool. But then the bitch enters the picture. (oops, did I call her a bitch?)

Now it's as I have two roommates. My space has been effectively cut in half, I have to wait to use the bathroom, I have to leave the common areas of the apartment whenever they're around because they are constantly talking and/or kissing (and I hate PDAs), and otherwise have to cope with the distractions of two roommates rather than one -- without the benefit of cutting rent three ways or anything else. So...I have been effectively shut into my bedroom which means I'm back to living by myself in what is effectively a studio apartment. Man. Oh, and I forgot...this is all being done without ever saying a damn word to me. My roommate has invited his live-in girlfriend to live with us, without ever having asked. Fucker.

It also gets to me for other reasons...she's a mom of two and her being here means that she's not with her kids, I have a problem with that and it is the main reason that I am capapble of referring to her as a bitch. She doesn't have custody of them half the time...but even when she does, she looks for ways to come HERE or otherwise not be with them. That pisses me off to know end.

But then there's the other thing -- they've been dating for two months and are "practically" living together. There's something wrong with that I think. I mean, not for some people, but for me it is. I'm rather old-fashioned and don't really think it's right to live together until two people are married or practically married anyway...unless circumstances warrant otherwise (moving cross-country for example). She started spending what I feel is a ridiculous amount of time here about three weeks into things. On top of that, I know that my roommate is a pretty religious guy (I know he believes in Creationism)...and that sort of hypocrisy drives me bonkers (as if you didn't know that).

Here's the thing...I'm about ready to go ballistic...maybe even kicking him out. Am I wrong or do I need to take a chill pill?


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