Okay, it's the 24th of February, 2001. George Dubya Bush took up his occupation of the White House a month previous as the result of a landslide five to four vote in the Supreme Court chambers a month previous to that. General Colin Powell, a good man and among the only good men deemed good enough (or not too good enough, whatever the case may be) to serve the president in his cabinet, says something. He claimed that Saddam Hussein did not have "any significant capability with respect to weapons of mass destruction."
Flash forward seven months and the nation is reeling from a below the belt attack that would soon become the focus for George Dubya's life and presidency. Nothing could be said or done by anyone in the administration without being sandwiched by at least two references to the death and destruction that was to be forever known as "nine-eleven". That policy began on nine-eleven itself (after the president finished reading a story to a group of elementary students but not before he actually cared to take on his role as commander and chief some time after the attacks began) and would continue to define his presidency. Even though there were issues that had nothing to do with the attacks -- everything had to be tied to them.
It was no wonder then that people felt that Saddam Hussein had something to do with nine-eleven. Nothing that could be said about the man could not be said sandwiched in bewteen two references. After all, the horrible economy was the result of nine-eleven, the violence in the streets was nine-eleven, racism, low charitable giving too, and everything else. Nine-eleven required a tax cut for the rich, nine-eleven required drilling for oil in ANWAR, nine-eleven required forgiveness of CEO wrong-doings, t-ball games on the White House lawn, and retraction of civil liberties. EVerything had to do with nine-eleven, everything. So why wouldn't Saddam Hussein?
Flash forward two years, Saddam has been removed from power, and no one really knows why. Billions of dollars and trillions of bullets have been sprayed into Iraq killing thousands of innocent people all to get at a single man that has yet to be gotten. The people think that it has something to do with nine-eleven, just as everything else seems to, but the president says that it doesn't. Saddam Hussein was just a threat, he had bad stuff that we needed to get away from him before he could use it. So we got rid of him, and in his absence found that he didn't actually have any of the bad stuff that we thought he did. And so with a shrug and a whimper George Dubya said to the UN "oops, sorry...hey, can we get a little help here? It's a little too much for us to handle." Thinking that they might even though we made the biggest oops in the history of oopsies. We invaded a little prematurely, without any sort of justification, really, because before nine-eleven, we knew that there wasn't much to worry about...Colin Powell said it best on February 24, 2001 when he said that Saddam Hussein did not have "any significant capability with respect to weapons of mass destruction." But Bush took nine-eleven, mixed it with a desire to avenge his father's mistakes and a big helping of oil, and sprinkled it with a little dash of neocon philosophy to make war and kill a bunch of people.
God bless George Dubya Bush.
Flash forward seven months and the nation is reeling from a below the belt attack that would soon become the focus for George Dubya's life and presidency. Nothing could be said or done by anyone in the administration without being sandwiched by at least two references to the death and destruction that was to be forever known as "nine-eleven". That policy began on nine-eleven itself (after the president finished reading a story to a group of elementary students but not before he actually cared to take on his role as commander and chief some time after the attacks began) and would continue to define his presidency. Even though there were issues that had nothing to do with the attacks -- everything had to be tied to them.
It was no wonder then that people felt that Saddam Hussein had something to do with nine-eleven. Nothing that could be said about the man could not be said sandwiched in bewteen two references. After all, the horrible economy was the result of nine-eleven, the violence in the streets was nine-eleven, racism, low charitable giving too, and everything else. Nine-eleven required a tax cut for the rich, nine-eleven required drilling for oil in ANWAR, nine-eleven required forgiveness of CEO wrong-doings, t-ball games on the White House lawn, and retraction of civil liberties. EVerything had to do with nine-eleven, everything. So why wouldn't Saddam Hussein?
Flash forward two years, Saddam has been removed from power, and no one really knows why. Billions of dollars and trillions of bullets have been sprayed into Iraq killing thousands of innocent people all to get at a single man that has yet to be gotten. The people think that it has something to do with nine-eleven, just as everything else seems to, but the president says that it doesn't. Saddam Hussein was just a threat, he had bad stuff that we needed to get away from him before he could use it. So we got rid of him, and in his absence found that he didn't actually have any of the bad stuff that we thought he did. And so with a shrug and a whimper George Dubya said to the UN "oops, sorry...hey, can we get a little help here? It's a little too much for us to handle." Thinking that they might even though we made the biggest oops in the history of oopsies. We invaded a little prematurely, without any sort of justification, really, because before nine-eleven, we knew that there wasn't much to worry about...Colin Powell said it best on February 24, 2001 when he said that Saddam Hussein did not have "any significant capability with respect to weapons of mass destruction." But Bush took nine-eleven, mixed it with a desire to avenge his father's mistakes and a big helping of oil, and sprinkled it with a little dash of neocon philosophy to make war and kill a bunch of people.
God bless George Dubya Bush.
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