Thursday, September 25

Speaking as an ex-Young Republican, this doesn't surprise me at all:

DALLAS -- Southern Methodist University shut down a bake sale Wednesday in which cookies were offered for sale at different prices, depending on the buyer's race or gender.

The sale was organized by the Young Conservatives of Texas, who said it was intended as a protest of affirmative action.

A sign said white males had to pay $1 for a cookie. The price was 75 cents for white women, 50 cents for Hispanics and 25 cents for blacks.

There's just something about the republican sense of humor, especially among the young ones, that makes it cynical...but not int he funny way. I understand the point that these guys were trying to make, and I understand how they would think it was clever and cute or whatever, but that's only because I was once one of them and had the same sense of humor...

Of course, now I think it's sophmoric, ridiculous, and rather retarded.


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