Monday, October 20

moving day

This blog will be moving soon. Probably within the next couple of weeks. I haven't bought a domain name yet (I will once I know I can live without the $6 -- yes, that's how broke I am), but I found webspace for free at 1 and 1 if anyone is interested in getting their own (start-upish deal, three free years to build a client base). It seems legit.

Anyway, I'll provde more info later when I know any specifics. I know there are some that read this blog every couple of weeks and so I want to catch them before they leave and come back to nothing. heh. At the very least I'm sure if you type "pques" into google or whatever, you'll find it (if you miss the specific info).

Anyway, peace out.

::edit:: the domain shall be and it shall point to this place until I switch it over


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