Friday, October 10

poor tiger

It's ridiculous. I love animals way too much. With this whole Ray Horn being "attacked" by one of his tigers thing in Las Vegas, I really really feel for the tiger. I don't know why. I mean, I do, but I don't know why I feel more for the tiger than I do for him.

I read this story and started to tear up. The stupid tiger was trying to save Roy from he felt was danger when stagehands stormed the stage after Roy tripped and fell. That is all.

Dammt all, I love the loyalty of animals and I hate it when they do things to protect people and somehow find themselves in trouble because of it. I hate it when I read about dogs that freeze to death lying on top of their "masters" (I hate that word when it comes to pets) to keep them alive. I hate it when I read about dogs that go into burning houses to save a kid or whatever. It kills me. Self-sacrifice kills me.

And even though this tiger thing wasn't an example of self-sacrifice at all, it's still horrible to me to think that the tiger was trying to protect him and in so doing actually brought him close to death. If that cat could feel guilt, I feel so bad for it.

Yeah, I know, I'm a dork.


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