Friday, November 28

our stupid president

So, the president of the United States snuck off to Iraq to eat his turkey with American troops and I'm betting that the American populace won't even bat an eyelash at how stupid that was. In fact, they'll probably admire him.

But here's why you should be pissed:

The President of the United States, leader of the free world, and number one on so many of our nation's enemies' most wanted dead list stuck his neck out for a photo op. That's all it was. Did it possibly raise some morale in the military? Yeah, probably a little, but that morale boost will evaporate the next time a chopper is shot down or the tour of duty for troops is extended another month or four. You know it and so do I. The president does too, but he was looking for something to point to and say "see, I've cut their pay and ripped away their fringe benefits. I haven't attended a single funeral or even mentioned one of their names. I don't even acknowledge any attacks that happen to kill them by the dozen. I haven't done a thing to make it easier for them to collect their veteren's benefits when they come back...heck, I've made it harder. But gee, I went their to see them. Doesn't that make me a grand commander in chief?"

It makes me sick.

The leader of this country has no right to put himself directly in harm's way. He does not have the right to risk his life flying in and out of a hostile war zone in order to boost his own image. He does not have the right to do anything that might cause his own death, throwing this nation into chaos and setting up an opportunity for us to necessarily take action against a foreign nation as the killing of a sitting president would create. And he did. All to look good for the cameras.

I haven't looked at any of the republican and conservative websites, channels, and discussion boards on the internet, but I am willing to bet that there's a lot of praise going on for this. A lot of it. I don't get it, and it pisses me off that anyone would think that this is a good idea.

I don't like the guy -- anyone that reads this blog knows that -- but this goes beyond disliking the guy. This is an irresponsible use of the office of President of the United States of America. And don't think it's anything less...


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