Sunday, November 16


The Onion is fake news as I think we all know, but this week it ran an article that pretty much summed up a lot of my fears as a blogger:

Mom Finds Out About Blog

Those of you who have been reading this awhile know that on many occasions I have purged a post either new or back in the archives for one reason or another and this is exactly why. Not that my mother would read it, that would be creepy, but that the wrong person might. It's one of the great fears of bloggers in this day and age. I mean, how much of what I write here do I not talk about in real life? Quite a bit...or at least I'm more selective when it comes to what I talk about and with whom. Here, it's all out there, and anyone can read everything and it's kinda sorta disconcerting on some level. Some things you just don't talk about certain things with certain people.

And so I've taken to not telling people that I know about this blog, or even my website's url, or even my handle. All in this fear that people are going to read more about me more quickly than I feel comfortable with...or even worse, have someone that I don't even want to know so much about me (a family member or a crazed stalker wanna be girlfriend for instance) find out so much about me.

Then, of course, there's the Ashcroft gestapo being able to read some of the things I've said and take me away to Gitmo. Of course, that seems way less likely than anything else. :)

Anyway, yeah, it's something that I've come to grips with and have made adjustments in concern to both on this blog and in real life (keeping fewer aspects of myself secret from people). But there's still that fear and that concern, and still that desire to only let those people that already know me really well or who I want to get to know me really well find out about this place. And yet I have absolutely no qualms with absolute strangers reading this. Is that weird?


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