Tuesday, December 16

karmic restitution

Remember how a few months back I lost my mobile phone and get pissed off to then be overjoyed to have someone turn it in? Yeah, I returned the favor today. It really isn't that hard people.. I was walking down the street and saw a mobile phone lying in the sidewalk. At first I walked right by needing to catch the bus, but I turned around and picked it up, brought it acorss the street to see if the 7-11 would pass it to the owner and then called her (always have "home" listed in the directory, or at least "dad", "mom", or "work" or something that a stranger could call) to tell her. She was very glad I did it. Very. It's nice to make someone feel that way, and it's really all not that hard when life present such an opportunity to do so. Unfortunately, she probably should be glad too...I don't think many people would have done what I did (or the kind person that did it for me). After all, I lost my new phone a month or two after losing it the first time and no one turned it in, so I'm batting .500


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