Friday, December 12

sorry i've been gone

I know, I know, for most people and their blogs, a couple days without posting is absolutely nothing. But lately I've been in one of posting frenzies and it just feels odd to me that I haven't. I mean, I've been doing a lot of thinking. Too much thinking, about too many things...and I don't think anything would come out right if I were to have tried to post. You know the feeling?

But yeah, I've been trying to figure out my job situation and it isn't good. It's hard to look for a job when you know that you'll be going back to work in two months -- you can't take a day job because you'd feel bad quitting, but at the same time you have to look. Night jobs, well, I really want to get into a bar or at the very least a restaurant where I can make good money in a very short time. But that takes away from the job search because right now isn't the best time to be looking for one of those...employers are too busy with Christmas to worry about hiring anyone. *sigh*

I really wish I would have known that the unemployment office was going to try and screw me over. The plan all along had been to look for some sort of "real job" while I had some sort of net beneath me, and to look for some crappy minimum wage job before it ran out. But that didn't work out so well. It was really bloody horrible for the state to handle it the way they have -- no notice for me, and a week before Thanksgiving when I couldn't do anything about it. I really want to write about it, about the system, in some sort of article or book form, but I can't really because that takes up so much time and energy that I need to use in scrounging up enough to pay rent and bills and buy food and stuff. ugh.

Anyway, I just needed to rant I guess. I wasn't even planning on writing about that but it just sort of came out that way. Sorry.


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