Sunday, December 7


Tonight is one of those early winter nights when the ground is barren but for unraked leaves of the last two months canopied by a sky lit up by a full moon trying to break through high clouds pouring across the sky from the west, creating a soft dark-gray glow across the heavens. It's one of those nights where the air is still, but dry enough and cold enough to have a bite that creates the feeling of your lungs being dry-cleaned with every breath. It's one of those nights where there are barely any noises but for the occasional passing car racing down pavement of the street half a block away and the even rarer plane flying overhead. It's one of those nights where the world is at peace and there's no sense of worry or harshness or trouble. It's one of those nights that I live for and would love to have visit upon me every night, for it is the perfect night to just sit outside and enjoy life at itsleast threatening and most beautiful.


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