body and soul
Two things tonight.
First, I've been eating a lot of salad lately. That and a bowl of soup is all I had for dinner tonight (well, I guess two slices of bread too). I'm not one to eat that well...not badly necessarily, but it's not like I've eaten fast food in...since last summer? I've also been exercising too. The other day I went for a walk (because there's too much snow and ice to bike). I didn't go that far due to my legs freezing off in a short period of time, but I tried. This morning I woke up, fell to the floor and did sit-ups. I don't know why. It's not as if I've been planning this or's just happening to me. It's weird. I mean, I've been trying to make some more healthy decisions lately (cutting out some bad habits, starting up some good) but the whole thing's sorta taken on a mind of its own. Maybe that new years' resolution to get rid of the beer gut will actually come to fruition. That'd be swell.
The second thing that I wanted to write about isn't so good...a minor faith crisis. I haven't had one of these for years...since my Freshman year of college. I don't know how exactly to describe it either. I think it mainly has something to do with the people around me -- my roommate, people I see at the bar, even the utter and complete shit that I see on television (with a higher concentration on MTV). As I think is obvious if you're a long-term reader of this blog or know me in real-life, I march tot he beat of a different drummer. I'm very self-conscious about doing the right thing, very idealistic, very moral, very conscientious of others (even though I tend to inadvertantly hurt others more than most people...but then I feel awful). This is because I believe in one thing: Love. Not sappy boy and girl love (hehehe...if you've been reading this blog very long at all you know I got doubts about that), but the "God is Love" kind...agape.
I just don't see it out there in the world so much. What I do see are a bunch of people running around driven by their basic instincts to eat, sleep, and get laid. I see, not human beings, but what amounts to hairless monkeys. There's not reason behind their actions, no dreaming, no planning, or Love. Just what feels good at the moment and keep going on until it's not available any more. Then sulk...maybe kill someone...maybe blame McDonalds or Sony or Marlboro for your problems. I just don't see the descendents of Plato and Socrates, Newton and Copernicus, Jefferson or Lincoln...just the decendents of Bobo the Wonderchimp©. It's sad to me. To some extent I understand that there's going to be this behavior in any enlightened society, but it's tyoo much. This isn't to say that there are plenty of good people out there in the world. There are. I have a few real friends and they are all of the type to think before they act, or at least dream and try to change when they undoubtedly screw up (and we all do -- so please, if you're my friend and you happen to rea this blog, PLEASE don't think I'm talking about you or anyone in particular). But it seems that society, as a whole, keeps going down this path of de-evolution.
The crisis of faith comes in this..."de-evolution" requires evolution in the first place, and not the sort of directive sort of evolution that I tend to believe in (to make sense of both my faith in a creator God and the "evidence" of things being around longer than 6000 years). If people can become more like animals driven by instinct rather than reason...then that seems to go to show that maybe there isn't a God to have created us...that all of this is random. After all, why would us becoming more and more animalistic be in God's plan? That's the rub.
But I feel guilty questioning whether God is there just because I'm surrounded by those who care more about there next meal and orgasm than much of anything else. It could jsut be that we are drifting...after all, the Bible contains several stories of humanity's drift away from Him.
In any case, I've bored you enough I'm sure.
First, I've been eating a lot of salad lately. That and a bowl of soup is all I had for dinner tonight (well, I guess two slices of bread too). I'm not one to eat that well...not badly necessarily, but it's not like I've eaten fast food in...since last summer? I've also been exercising too. The other day I went for a walk (because there's too much snow and ice to bike). I didn't go that far due to my legs freezing off in a short period of time, but I tried. This morning I woke up, fell to the floor and did sit-ups. I don't know why. It's not as if I've been planning this or's just happening to me. It's weird. I mean, I've been trying to make some more healthy decisions lately (cutting out some bad habits, starting up some good) but the whole thing's sorta taken on a mind of its own. Maybe that new years' resolution to get rid of the beer gut will actually come to fruition. That'd be swell.
The second thing that I wanted to write about isn't so good...a minor faith crisis. I haven't had one of these for years...since my Freshman year of college. I don't know how exactly to describe it either. I think it mainly has something to do with the people around me -- my roommate, people I see at the bar, even the utter and complete shit that I see on television (with a higher concentration on MTV). As I think is obvious if you're a long-term reader of this blog or know me in real-life, I march tot he beat of a different drummer. I'm very self-conscious about doing the right thing, very idealistic, very moral, very conscientious of others (even though I tend to inadvertantly hurt others more than most people...but then I feel awful). This is because I believe in one thing: Love. Not sappy boy and girl love (hehehe...if you've been reading this blog very long at all you know I got doubts about that), but the "God is Love" kind...agape.
I just don't see it out there in the world so much. What I do see are a bunch of people running around driven by their basic instincts to eat, sleep, and get laid. I see, not human beings, but what amounts to hairless monkeys. There's not reason behind their actions, no dreaming, no planning, or Love. Just what feels good at the moment and keep going on until it's not available any more. Then sulk...maybe kill someone...maybe blame McDonalds or Sony or Marlboro for your problems. I just don't see the descendents of Plato and Socrates, Newton and Copernicus, Jefferson or Lincoln...just the decendents of Bobo the Wonderchimp©. It's sad to me. To some extent I understand that there's going to be this behavior in any enlightened society, but it's tyoo much. This isn't to say that there are plenty of good people out there in the world. There are. I have a few real friends and they are all of the type to think before they act, or at least dream and try to change when they undoubtedly screw up (and we all do -- so please, if you're my friend and you happen to rea this blog, PLEASE don't think I'm talking about you or anyone in particular). But it seems that society, as a whole, keeps going down this path of de-evolution.
The crisis of faith comes in this..."de-evolution" requires evolution in the first place, and not the sort of directive sort of evolution that I tend to believe in (to make sense of both my faith in a creator God and the "evidence" of things being around longer than 6000 years). If people can become more like animals driven by instinct rather than reason...then that seems to go to show that maybe there isn't a God to have created us...that all of this is random. After all, why would us becoming more and more animalistic be in God's plan? That's the rub.
But I feel guilty questioning whether God is there just because I'm surrounded by those who care more about there next meal and orgasm than much of anything else. It could jsut be that we are drifting...after all, the Bible contains several stories of humanity's drift away from Him.
In any case, I've bored you enough I'm sure.
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