Wednesday, January 28

free dvds and lots of wine

Thank goodness for the free DVDs I got from Columbia House because they have been the only source of entertainment for me lately. For ony $2.50 too. I am so bloody bored. I think I'm dying of boredom. Literally, dying. It's too damn cold outside to go out and walk or bike anywhere, I'm too broke to go anywhere, friends aren't too keen on doing things that are free, and the whole job thing is leaving me with 16 hours of awake time, locked up in my apartment. I can waste five hours or so of that online, maybe a couple hours watching news and the Simpsons, but that leaves a lot of emty time...

DVDs are good, therefore. When I ordered them I chose the longest ones that I could. I got them on Monday, have watched them all already. *sigh* Last night I watched Dr. Strangelove while drinking wine and then watching the New Hampshire primaries come in. Exciting eh? I crashed at 11:00pm, woke up at 7am...which means today is going to be especially long...

Only two and a half weeks til I work again. I hope I don't die before then.


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