Tuesday, January 6

the power of complaining

Teehee. As you all know, I've been messing around with affiliate stuff as a way of making some money (not a lot, but some...mostly from google ads). Anyway, after a month or so of waiting, I finally heard from Columbia House and was accepted into their program. Bloody awesome I'm telling you. Well, I put that banner up there on top of this page and clicked it to make sure that it worked (and probably sign up myself...I'm a sucker for those sorts of programs...I think I even end up getting more and paying less even so I don't see the problem). Well I get to the page and see that Columbia House wants to charge for shipping which is completely opposite what the banner says: "Free Shipping!". I'm like "oh great, another company that promises a bunch of crap but doesn't stay true to their word" (I've come across a couple in my affiliate searching) and so I was going to just erase it and say screw it like I have with a couple others. But I didn't. I wrote them, sort of sarcastically to ask why they'd ask me to screw over my visitors.

I expected some sort of snotty response and possibly even my being kicked out of their program. To the contrary, it turned into a multiple e-mail conversation with a guy named Bob and it's all resolved. Now if you click the banner above, you get free shipping (and 5 DVDs for $2.50). It's always nice to me to see businesses take time out to figure out what's wrong and fix it rather than just blow you off knowing that for every me there's a hundred people who won't complain.

Anyway, I'm just bored and wanted to share that.


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