I just got the following e-mail from "citibank":
Seriously, do people fall for this? Yeah, the e-mail and address both have "citibank" in them (though the URL also contains a stream or 20-30 random letters which can be pointed to any hacker website in the world), but the spelling is obviously not quite up to par with what you might expect a company the size of Citibank to be able to muster. Frankly, if they're in such bad shape that such an e-mail got out, I might question the quality of their employees and quickly, VERY QUICKLY, pull my money out ASAP...I don't want people that spell "adresses" as "adreessds" and "Citibank" as "Citbiank". Seriously. I can only think though that these things atually work at least some of the time -- they wouldn't keep trying it if that weren't the case.
Dear CitibankOnline Client,
This e-mail was sentt by the Citi-Card serevrs to veerify your email
addres. You must cmtopele this pceosrs by clicking on the link
below and enttering in the smal window your Citbiank Debit
Card Nummber and Pin that you use on Atm Machine.
This is donne for your pcteortion -G- becourse some of our memmbers no
lgoenr have acecss to their email adreessds and we must verify it.
To veerify your e-mail adderss and akcess your Citbiank account, click on
the link beloow. If ntohing happnes when you klick on the link -7 copie
and pastte the link into the adress bar of your web browser.
Seriously, do people fall for this? Yeah, the e-mail and address both have "citibank" in them (though the URL also contains a stream or 20-30 random letters which can be pointed to any hacker website in the world), but the spelling is obviously not quite up to par with what you might expect a company the size of Citibank to be able to muster. Frankly, if they're in such bad shape that such an e-mail got out, I might question the quality of their employees and quickly, VERY QUICKLY, pull my money out ASAP...I don't want people that spell "adresses" as "adreessds" and "Citibank" as "Citbiank". Seriously. I can only think though that these things atually work at least some of the time -- they wouldn't keep trying it if that weren't the case.
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