Monday, February 9


I have just signed up to work on the Kerry campaign. As I've said before, there are other candidates that are closer to me in terms of ideology but Kerry is both the very probable winner at this point as well the man I feel is best suited to make a mockery of George W. Bush and beat him in November with enough votes so the whole thing stays very much away from the Supreme Court.

I have worked campaigns before, but it has been years. I think 1996 was the last time I did's hard when you're a Green and there's no one to really jump behind (I never really campaigned for Nader, the local Green party being a lot of talk and very little action). But this year there's a rallying point...get Bush out of office at all costs. I will make phone calls, I will go door to door, I will do everything in my power to get that man removed from office. I will rent a bloody cargo van and shuttle hundreds of Kerry voters to the polls on election day if need be. Bush must not be re-elected.

I suggest other people sign up to help too. None of us like pseudofacists in the White House.

John Kerry 2004


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