Sunday, February 15

i :heart: big brother bush

I didn't write about this issue earlier this week because, frankly, it hits a little too close to home and is so incredibly asinine that any post then would have more than likely been an R-rated string of curses, blasphemies, and vexes rather than an y sort of statement of its stupidity and blatant disregard for the basic humanity of the American "little guy" by the current administration.

The issue, of course, is a recent White House report released by Bush's chief economic advisor stating that the outsourcing of jobs is a good thing. Yes, that's right, companies laying off American workers to move shop across one or the other ocean and set up in a foreign land with foreign workers to then sell us back the products we once made (thereby adding to our already monstrous $489 BILLION trade deficit which then pushes down the worth of the dollar) is good for the American economy.

In the words of Moe Sizlac: Whhhhhhaaaaaaaaa?!?!?

I'm sorry, but to me this shows a total disdain for the common American worker -- you or I -- in the eyes of the administration. The fact that every job shipped overseas is a job that an American won't hold is inconsequential because, in the end, it means more money for the companies doing the "outsourcing" which is good for the economy. Let me restate those last two words...the economy. Because that's what matters to those that hold this ridiculous view. Never mind Mr. Smith or Ms. Jones as long as "the economy" is doing well, all is well. What's important is the movement, the philosophy, the, you and I, don't matter. We're all, after all, part of "the economy" and are pulled along with it wherever it will go...even if the force is more of a riptide dragging us across the rocks than it is the sailboat on the surface. It doesn't matter...we're going in the right direction.

I heard a Republican economist explain how this is the case, how this outsourcing is swell, in an interview this past week. He made it sound so simple: Outsourcing means that companies make more money because their costs are lower and therefore the prices go down and therefore the standard of living goes up. Sounds fantastic, doesn't it? Probably, as long as you're not one of those people whose job's been shipped to India or wherever and can afford to buy these things. Yeah, it's probably great as long as the way you make your money is by investing in these companies -- a luxury a lot of us don't have enough extra money lying around to take advantage of. But what about those of us who don't have a job and therefore don't have money to partake of these new even lower prices and higher standard of living? What about us? No, we're just swept under the rug. Right?

Thank you Mr. Bush. God bless you. May history smile upon thee as a grand humanitarian. May you find the road to cannonization be smoother than even Mother Theresa's.

My eyes are rolled back so far in my head that the whole world seems black.


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