Thursday, February 26

more excuses

You know, I'm getting very tired of this blog right now and I feel like I may just take a break. I know I said something along those line a couple days ago, but I wasn't completely honest with my reasoning (partially honest, not entirely though). See, this whole life in a fishbowl thing can get kinda weary from time to time, especially right now when I'm sorta dealing with a lot of change and a lot of personal stuff and I'm not exactly sure of myself. You know? I would like to share, but I'm sorta embarrased because I really don't know what to's awful embarrassing to be publically wrong or insane. hehe. Not to say that I'm planning on abandoning this thing, but it's just going to go in a different direction for a little while, I don't know where exactly, but it will...I think it's fair to say though that I will again be updating rather infrequently for a little while.

But it's not just that, it's also really getting on my nerves that people from my real life read this...not that they read this so much, but that they read it often and yet I do not hear from them. I'm sick of looking at my stats and seeing the same IPs that belong to people I know show up over and over and over again and yet not being able to get them to answer their phones or return messages. But that is neither here nor there I guess. It's just one of those things that's getting under my skin. Geez, I hate having to post things about people in my blog to get people's attention too, but sometimes it's the only way. Unfortunately.

Bah! I'm just sick of people. Silly humans. All your base are belong to us


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