Monday, February 9

more virginity for sale on ebay

But this guy is doing it just to chastise people for being creeps. Bravo! I doubt the link will work in about three hours however (I'm surprised it's stayed up for a full day already).

In related news, the R0sy Reid hits had almost died out but it seems she's gotten all popular again.

Note to those googlers: If you're googling the name of some chick who's supposedly selling her body online, and you get nothing but an unrelated blog to show up, do you really think your little wetdream is for real? I think it's pretty obvious at this point that the story was made up...after all, she said she was making her own site to prostitute herself and all people come up with when googling (two weeks after the story ran I might add) is this blog and the original "news" story. You'd think people'd get it, but nooooooooooooo...waste my bandwidth will ya.


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