Friday, February 20

nader 2004?

So the rumor's out on Fox News that Nader will announce his candidacy for the presidency on Sunday. How stupid and egotistical is that man? As one of the 3% that voted for him, defending my vote as being legitimate and not "wasted" to the myriad of Democrats before and after the elction that argued otherwise, I don't see the point. I mean, there's no way I'd vote for the guy because if ever a vote for a third party candidate were a waste, it would be in an election when a facist-lite like our president needs to be voted out. I know that there are plenty of others like me too...people who really believe in the need of third parties to vote for them most of the time but for whom the situation now is so dire that that idealism is swallowed up by pragmatism.

The only reason that I see for Nader to run is because he has a super-inflated ego. Before I list a thousand and one four letter words and scores of curses at the man, however, I suppose I'll just have to wait until he actually says he's running (after all, we all know Fox News is about as reliable as the Weekly World News). If, however, he does announce...shame on him in advance...I will have lost all respect for the guy I so ardently supported four years ago.


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