Wednesday, February 11

random stuff

I am really tired and am about to go to sleep, but I wanted to just post a couple random things that are happening right now.

First, I start working on Monday at the same job that I stopped working last July. It means I'll finally be getting some decent money but, of course, that's of little consequence when I owe family $2300 that I've borrowed since unemployment decided that I was ineligible.

I haven't heard anything about unemployment since I sent in my last protest. I got a note in the mail today saying that I had a certified letter to pick up. The note said it was from the "clerk's office" and I have no idea what that means. I'm thinking it may have something to do with the unemployment or perhaps with my filing taxes (and having not filed city taxes the last couple years...oops). I suppose it could also have something to do with my county Greens too since I was their treasurer for a year before I realized the organization was going to be all talk and no action. Maybe I'll be going to prison tomorrow too, who knows...okay, even paranoid old me doesn't think anything that bad would be made known to me through certified mail.

I am on the verge of doing something that could either lead to something really good or some deep hurt for a bit...or maybe neither. I cannot say what exactly in a public place like this, but keep me in your thoughts.

And lastly, General Clark is out of the presidential race. If you were at this blog constantly reloading, you would have been one of the first to know (that wasn't watching television news covering the primaries at least). That's how quickly I was able to put the strike tags around his link to the left.



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