Friday, February 20

the real reason bush is gonna lose

I can't help but feel that the polls are showing that the presidential race is much closer than it is, even though the most recent Gallup poll that I have seen shows Kerry up on Bush by double digits. Why? No poll can truly grasp the attitude of voters and the zealotry for who wins in November.

Bush has, for the last two months now, managed to do something that has pissed off just about everyone. Aside from those of us who have always hated the man and his administration, he has alienated his own base with immigration reforms, untax and spend policies and the resulting deficit problems (we hit the $7 TRILLION mark on the debt on Tuesday! That means Bush has been in office for the last TWO trillion dollar benchmarks), the Mars initiative, lackluster speeches and interviews, and the list goes on. On top of that, the lies he's told over and over again have finally begun to sink in it seems, the war's not going well, abortion (even with all three branches of the government belonging to conservatives) is still just as legal as it was in the 90's, and now his stance (or rather, lack of a stance) on the San Francisco gay wedding parade is really pissing off evangelical and Republican Christians. His base is just not finding much of anything to rally behind. There's nothing for them to be excited about.

But for the Democrats....that's a different story.

This is something that all us Bush-hatas gotta remember come the times when the polls show Bush catching up or even surpassing Kerry (or I suppose Edwards stuck his little toe in the closing door again so I can't rule him out). The people that want Bush out, want Bush out at all costs and will, with only the most dire of excuses not to, get themselves to the polls on election day. The people that want Bush to sty in, well, they just don't have that sort of passion. Even the Washington Times admits this.

I love it.


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