Wednesday, February 4

shell game times ten

I don't know if anyone that reads this is a supporter of Bush, but he has done yet another thing that makes me question what they hell those people are smoking. From KnightRidder:

Noticeably absent from next year's request is money for military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. White House budget director Joshua Bolten estimated that another $50 billion would be needed to cover those costs next year. The White House expects to cover the war costs with supplemental funds after next fall's elections

This is evil on so many levels. First off, it's an attempt on the part of the administration to deny that this whole conquering of the world foriegn policy that it's enacted is costing us a lot more than we were told it would before the wars. It's a blatent denial of responsibility on the part of George W. Bush and a blatent slap in the face of American's who, they believe, will fall for this rouse.

Also, Mr. Bush's "budget" is already over a half trillion dollars in the red. This $50B (and very likely more than that) would add 10% to an already ridiculously huge deficit. What ever happened to the Contract With America and the balanced budget amendment? Out the window for sure, but how can such a pillar of the Republican Party be overturned so completely in a mere 10 years? Back then, Republicans called Democrats "tax and spend" but they are even bigger monsters themselves...after all, it was a democrat that balanced the friggen budget (without an amendment no less) and a Republican that took that quarter-trillion dollar surplus and turned it around.


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