our funny, funny president
Every year the President of the United States attends the Radio and Television News Correspondents Association dinner and makes fun of himself. It's light fare, and a roast of sorts of the president. But this year, George Bush took it too far.
The other night he had a slide show of goofy pictures to which he added his personal commentary. Halfway through the batch, there was at least one slide of him looking under a desk to which he quipped, "Those weapons of mass destruction have got to be somewhere ... nope, no weapons over there ... maybe under here?"
Cute. Oh so cute Mr. President.
First you trump up the "evidence" of the existence of weapons of mass destructions, then you trump up charges of their emminent danger to American safety, then you send over the troops without adequate support and numbers in search of those WMDs, then hundreds die (591 as of now) in that search, then they're given up on more or less making all of it (the deaths of 591 Americans, 9-11,000 innocent Iraqi citizens, the destruction of the Iraqi infrastructure, and the needless antagonization of the entire Muslim world) a tragedy and then you feel it at all appropriate to make a cutesy ass little joke about it? Fuck you.
You know, the Republican attack machine is out in full force on this one defending this "joke" as being part of the regular procedings...but I don't remember Clinton going out there and mocking those that died during the "Black Hawk Down" tragedy in Mogadishu or for that matter, Nixon, Johnson, Truman, Roosevelt, or any president during wartime (or "war" time as the case may be) openly being so callous about the human tragedy that is war. It's made worse by the fact that Bush has showed so little concern for the common fighting man and woman...having not yet attended the funeral of any of those lost in fighting, having not publically acknowledged any particular deaths or stories of hardship, having forbade the full reporting of individual deaths (by preventing the photography of caskits coming off the planes in Dover), and even having stripped away some of our soldiers' benefits. Most importantly, it's made most intolerable by Bush's lack of apology for having made a bad decision based on bad intelligence...throwing us into a war of choice having made the case so adamently that it was a war of necessity. This is despicable, and it's despicable that the entire Republican machine is out defending this.
The other night he had a slide show of goofy pictures to which he added his personal commentary. Halfway through the batch, there was at least one slide of him looking under a desk to which he quipped, "Those weapons of mass destruction have got to be somewhere ... nope, no weapons over there ... maybe under here?"
Cute. Oh so cute Mr. President.
First you trump up the "evidence" of the existence of weapons of mass destructions, then you trump up charges of their emminent danger to American safety, then you send over the troops without adequate support and numbers in search of those WMDs, then hundreds die (591 as of now) in that search, then they're given up on more or less making all of it (the deaths of 591 Americans, 9-11,000 innocent Iraqi citizens, the destruction of the Iraqi infrastructure, and the needless antagonization of the entire Muslim world) a tragedy and then you feel it at all appropriate to make a cutesy ass little joke about it? Fuck you.
You know, the Republican attack machine is out in full force on this one defending this "joke" as being part of the regular procedings...but I don't remember Clinton going out there and mocking those that died during the "Black Hawk Down" tragedy in Mogadishu or for that matter, Nixon, Johnson, Truman, Roosevelt, or any president during wartime (or "war" time as the case may be) openly being so callous about the human tragedy that is war. It's made worse by the fact that Bush has showed so little concern for the common fighting man and woman...having not yet attended the funeral of any of those lost in fighting, having not publically acknowledged any particular deaths or stories of hardship, having forbade the full reporting of individual deaths (by preventing the photography of caskits coming off the planes in Dover), and even having stripped away some of our soldiers' benefits. Most importantly, it's made most intolerable by Bush's lack of apology for having made a bad decision based on bad intelligence...throwing us into a war of choice having made the case so adamently that it was a war of necessity. This is despicable, and it's despicable that the entire Republican machine is out defending this.
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