Thursday, April 1

and the winner is...the neocon conspiracy

To all those dead soldiers and their families, your hardship is not in vain, you and yours died to protect a soveriegn nation though not your and yours died for Israel:

Iraq under Saddam Hussein did not pose a threat to the United States, but it did to Israel, which is one reason why Washington invaded the Arab country, according to a speech made by a member of a top-level White House intelligence group.

Inter Press Service uncovered the remarks by Philip Zelikow, who is now the executive director of the body set up to investigate the terrorist attacks on the US in September 2001 - the 9/11 commission - in which he suggests a prime motive for the invasion just over one year ago was to eliminate a threat to Israel, a staunch US ally in the Middle East.

The Asia Times

This isn't a suprise really if you've read up on neocon philosophy who believe, above most other things, that anything and everything should be done to protect the state of Israel at all costs...obviously even the destruction of the United States' relationships with every other country in the world, even her allies. The tragedy, of course, is that not everyone is aware of the neocon movement and its desires as well as its foothold in the Bush adminstration with such high-ranking ideologues as Vice President Cheney, Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld, and especially undersecretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz.

What makes it that sad is that, if Philip Zelikow is telling the truth, is that the president did indeed mislead the country, making a case for war under one set of principles (though that "one" set seemed to change daily from 9/11 connections to WMDs to "freeing" the Iraqi people) when in reality there was one more prominent, more true reason that was held most secretly...that our boys and girls were sent over to die to rotect another country that itself was not under attack (i.e. not like Britain in WWII or South Korea in the Korean War). Our military was, in effect, secretly turned into a mercenary force to make the ultimate sacrifice for another nation...without the blessing, or even acknowledgement made to, the people of that so-called "democracy".

This is not to say that Israel is not our ally and not entitled to our protection if attacked, I believe that we would have that duty. But if this story is true (and according to this .pdf file Philip Zelikow did speak on that day at that school and many other news sources are reporting this story) then it is despicable that this motivation was kept from us (and, of course, it would have been kept from us because I highly doubt it would have been popular at all) and we need to call out the administration on it.


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